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Navigating the New Era of Corporate Responsibility: Introducing ESGassistant for CSRD Compliance

Unlock seamless CSRD compliance and superior sustainability reporting with ESGassistant.

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ESG Assistant: Your Gateway to Seamless CSRD Compliance and Enhanced Sustainability Reporting

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a groundbreaking EU directive mandating corporate sustainability reporting. This new legislation requires numerous companies to disclose their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices shortly, marking the first legal requirement of its kind. These reports must align with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which provide comprehensive guidelines for data collection and reporting on various ESG issues.

The ESRS framework outlines the necessary disclosures for companies under the CSRD, detailing both the environmental and social impact of their operations and value chain, as well as how sustainability considerations influence their financial outcomes. This includes reporting on cash flow, financial position, and overall performance in relation to sustainability.

ESRS Thematic Standards

Under the ESRS, there are 11 thematic standards categorized into three main ESG domains:

  • Environment: Including Climate Change, Pollution, Water and Marine Resources, Biodiversity and Ecosystems, and the Resource and Circular Economy.
  • Social: Covering Labor, Workers in the Value Chain, Affected Communities, Consumers, and End Users.
  • Governance: Focusing on Governance, Risk Management and Internal Control, and Business Conduct.

An estimated 49,000 European entities will need to generate reports compliant with the CSRD. This directive applies to all EU-listed companies, including SMEs, and large companies (listed or not), if they meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • Annual turnover exceeding EUR 40 million
  • Assets worth more than EUR 20 million
  • Employing over 250 people

Additionally, non-EU companies generating over EUR 150 million in the EU, alongside smaller, non-complex financial institutions, captive insurance and reinsurance companies, and pension funds, are also subject to these regulations.

ESG Assistant revolutionizes ESG disclosures by not only producing reports based on the current standards, but also being able to detect anomalies in reports. This enhances your credibility and is crucial for stakeholders in both the government and financial sectors.

By combining LLM with scientific results and industry standards, we empower corporations, governmental bodies, and the financial industry with the ability to gain insights quickly and efficiently into ESG intelligence and performances. Activities like ESG benchmarking and analysis, which previously used to demand a significant amount of manual labour, can now be completed much more swiftly and to a superior level of quality.